163UK-9284545 Brand 2500*ml Dispensers, bottle-top, Dispensette® III, accessories, PE-LD, Neck thread 45 GL, Width 140 mm, Height 300 mm

Part Nnumber
2500*ml Dispensers, bottle-top, Dispensette® III, accessories, PE-LD, Neck thread 45 GL, Width 140 mm, Height 300 mm
Basic price
9,86 EUR

The product with part number 163UK-9284545 (2500*ml Dispensers, bottle-top, Dispensette® III, accessories, PE-LD, Neck thread 45 GL, Width 140 mm, Height 300 mm) is from company Brand and distributed with basic unit price 9,86 EUR. Minimal order quantity is 1 pc.

Dispenser/bottle-top flasks, amber soda-lime glass Amber soda-lime glass.With PP screw cap and LDPE pouring ring. Reservoir bottles. Space-saving, square design, except 2500ml reservoir which is cylindrical. Capacity 2500* ml Neck thread 45 GL Width 140 mm Height 300 mm

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(keyword 163UK-9284545 Brand 2500*ml Dispensers, bottle-top, Dispensette® III, accessories, PE-LD, Neck thread 45 GL, Width 140 mm, Height 300 mm)
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