163UK-9273012 Brand 10ml Pipettes, volumetric (bulb), Class B, soda glass, Silberbrand Eterna, Tolerance 0.03 ± ml, Overall length 440 ± 10

Part Nnumber
10ml Pipettes, volumetric (bulb), Class B, soda glass, Silberbrand Eterna, Tolerance 0.03 ± ml, Overall length 440 ± 10
Basic price
4,64 EUR

The product with part number 163UK-9273012 (10ml Pipettes, volumetric (bulb), Class B, soda glass, Silberbrand Eterna, Tolerance 0.03 ± ml, Overall length 440 ± 10) is from company Brand and distributed with basic unit price 4,64 EUR. Minimal order quantity is 1 pc.

Volumetric pipettes, Class B, AR-Glas®, amber graduation Silberbrand Eterna. DIN EN ISO 648. Graduations and inscriptions in Eterna permanent amber diffusion stain. Adjusted to EX. Volume 10 ml Tolerance 0.03 ± ml Overall length 440 ± 10 mm

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(keyword 163UK-9273012 Brand 10ml Pipettes, volumetric (bulb), Class B, soda glass, Silberbrand Eterna, Tolerance 0.03 ± ml, Overall length 440 ± 10)
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